This was a commission for an individual who wanted a jewelers saw with inlay. I have been wanting to make a jewelers saw for a long time and so I was excited when I was presented with this opportunity. As with any tool I make for the first time, I always enjoy the challenge of figuring out how to make it function to the best of its ability. This saw has a steel frame with fine silver inlay and a mahogany handle.  

saw Close.jpg


I recently finished a set of knives for the The Morgan Conservatory, a non-profit organization here in Cleveland that focuses on the production and preservation of hand made paper. They have been expanding their eastern style paper making facilities and one of the tools they needed was a specific style of knife used during their Kozo harvest. Kozo, also known as Paper Mulberry, is a plant whose fibers are used for certain types of paper making. The knife is based off of a Korean style knife and is used for scraping the bark of the plant after it has been soaked and before it is turned into pulp.  

Contact the The Morgan Conservatory to inquire about purchasing these knives.


Recently I finished an engraving project for the Penland School of Crafts. Each year during their big Annual Benefit Auction, Penland honors one artist with the Outstanding Educator Award. It is given to an individual in the craft field who has made exceptional contributions to their field as an educator and artist.  This past year they asked furniture maker and pewter connoisseur, Jack Mauch, to make pewter cups. They will be given retroactively and in the future, to recipients of the award. Jack designed and fabricated these beautiful cups and once they were finished, he sent them to me to engrave with the award title, date, and recipient's name. Thank you to both Jack and Penland for involving me in this project. 



I had the opportunity to work with New Hampshire blacksmith David Court when he came to Penland to teach a forged hardware class. Working with David was a pleasure to say the least. He is an intelligent craftsman with a heavy dose of New England humor and wit. David's class was the first time I made any sort of hardware, and it opened me up to understanding much more complex forgings and moving parts. With more stories than I could begin to remember, he had a captive audience in our class, and we loved every minute of it.

I asked David to send some pictures of his work, and he regrettably told me of how he had lost many of his pictures over the years. Of the pictures he still has you can see the caliber of work he creates. He also sent along some shots of his beautiful home and studio.

David asked me to make a set of 12" dividers for everyday use in his shop. He left the design up to me, so I chose something that I had been wanting to try out for some time. He also requested that they be engraved: "Made for David Court by Seth Gould 2013." It makes me very happy to imagine David using these to create his wonderful work. I would like to think that many years from now, after they have built a beautiful patina with use and age, someone will recognize this exchange from one craftsman to another.

Thanks for the opportunity David!



I just finished up this custom pair of steel dividers for a bookbinder who was looking for something a little different. They wanted dividers that would measure more accurately from the edge of their books, so instead of leaving two points I forged out a pad on one of the legs of the dividers to register more squarely.

6"x 1.125" x 0.5"


This week I had a chance to finish and get some photos of the crab lock I made while assisting Peter Ross' class at Haystack. Locks are something that I have just started to make in the past year, but have been fascinated by for sometime now. The first time I recall being truly moved by iron work was seeing antique locks at a museum in Rouen, France. The museum is called Musée Le Secq Des Tournelles, and is dedicated to objects made from iron. They have everything from gates and grates to thimbles and corkscrews. Their collection of locks is a sight to behold though. In it are both finished and unfinished locks and keys which I believe are all European and dated before the 18th century. These are true masterpieces. Although I did not understand how the locks were made or how they operated when I visited the museum, I did recognize their refinement and exceptional workmanship. Studying them made me begin to question what I knew of iron so far and realize the material in a whole new way. Now that I have more knowledge and experience under my belt I am dying to return to the museum with new inquiries. Until then I will just keep studying the books and plugging away at the bench!


I am teaching a one week class at the Penland School of Crafts called "Beginning Toolmaking." The class starts on November 3rd, and there are a few spaces left, so if you or anyone you know would like to make some beautiful tools, jump on it! 

The plan is for each student to make a small riveting hammer and some hand tools (center punch, chasing tools, engraving chisels, etc.). Through this I plan on covering basic forging, heat treating, file decoration, and how to handle a hammer. Whether you are a jeweler who is interesting in learning to make your own tools, or you just love well-made tools, you should deinfitely check the class out! Read about the class on the Penland site here: Beginning Toolmaking .
Also, a little bonus is that my good friend Cat Bates will be my assistant for the class. You can see some of his awesome work here: Barbarian Enterprises .




These are a set of calipers that I made for a glassblower that I met down at Penland. I have been wanting to make a matching pair of calipers for a while, so I was very excited when he suggested that he might like a set. The larger is 12" and the smaller is 8", forged and filed out of wrought iron. The brass plaques were attached and then engraved with his monogram. This was a really fun set to make and I hope to do more multiples like this. Making a single tool is very rewarding, but there is something really special about seeing a matching set. 


Tom Shields' bench, Ian Henderson's fermentation crock, Eleanor Annand's print 

As I was sitting in my kitchen last night I looked around and noticed what awesome things inhabit the space. During the two years I lived at Penland I managed to acquire some wonderful pieces of work. I had the chance to meet so many amazing people, and whether I was with them two weeks or two years, I feel very luck to have made a connection with them. It was an added bonus to get walk away with something they made.

So here is a kitchen sampling of what I have the pleasure of surrounding myself with every time I cook. There is too much to write about every piece, but below is list of links, and you should definitely take the time to see what else they have done. 


Molly Kite Spadone's bowl that I eat breakfast out of everyday.


Thanks to all of my kitchen contributors: 

Tom Shields  -

Eleanor Annand  -

Ian Henderson -

Molly Kite Spadone -

Julian Maturino

Leah Lynn -

Mike Krupiarz

Rachel Garceau -

Bob Biddlestone 

David Eichelberger -


Glasses: Mike Krupiarz, Julian Maturino, Julian Maturino/Leah Lynn  

Mugs: Rachel Garceau, Bob Biddlestone, David Eichelberger, Molly Kite Spadone, Ian Henderson


I made a trip out into the country this week to pick up coal. We ended up out at Yoder's Blacksmith Supply, an Amish farrier supply store about an hour and a half out of the city. Seeing as though my directions to the store were very vague, and I still wasn't convinced it existed, it was a pleasant surprise to see how much they offered! There were plenty of new and used hammers, top tools, and anvils to choose from. I am excited to fire up the forge this weekend and see how the coal I bought burns. Check back for some fiery photos!